Freemie makes 3 different and distinct cups styles - Standard, SlimFit5 and SlimFit6. Although Freemie Cups work best with Freemie Pumps, there are options to use certain cups with pumps that have been tested and approved for compatible use. If using a non-Freemie compatible pump, the pump should be new.
- Freemie Independence and Independence II
- Freemie Liberty and Liberty II
- Freemie Rose
- Spectra S1 Plus, S2 Plus and 9 Plus
Compatible Pumps for Freemie Standard Cups
- Freemie Independence and Independence II
- Freemie Liberty and Liberty II
- Freemie Rose
- Ameda Purely Yours, Ameda Finesse
- ARDO Calypso
- BabyBuddha
- BellaBaby Duo Pocket, Bellababy Duo Rechargeable
- Evenflo Deluxe Advanced
- Lucina Melodi Prime
- Motif Duo, Motif Luna
- Philips Avent Twin Electric, Philips Avent Comfort
- Spectra M1, S1, S2, S1 Plus, S2 Plus, 9 Plus
Compatible Pump Setup for Standard Cups
When attaching Freemie Cups to a compatible pump, if there are two pump ports, you will only use one. Freemie tubing attaches directly to the compatible pump. This is true whether single or double pumping. The Freemie Y-Connector part is used to split the lines to the cups and enable the user to easily switch from single to double pumping. Setup with a compatible pump will have this tubing configuration:

Compatible pumps (such as Ameda, ARDO, BabyBuddha, BellaBaby and Evenflo) have tubing adapter parts to attach the tubing to the pump. These parts come with your pump and one side will be capped when attaching the Freemie tubing. Pump tubing adapters may look like this: